"What Will Be Will Be" emerges as High Tropics latest offering, a standout single from their much-anticipated debut album. This track is a masterful ode to the sonic golden era of the '90s, channelling the expansive rock anthems of The Verve and Oasis with a modern twist.

At the helm is songwriter Josh Stewart, whose signature vocal delivery infuses each lyric with authenticity and emotive depth. The song's structure is a triumph, with melodies that bind seamlessly, transitioning from verse to evocative chorus with a fluidity that captivates. It's a bold, ambitious piece that not only pays homage to its influences but also marks High Tropics' own indelible imprint on the music landscape. This single could very well be the defining moment of their nascent career.

Birthed by the fuzz-filled glory years that were the 2000's, High Tropics combine lo-fi indie rock production techniques with charm and methodical arrangements reminiscent of archetypal singer/songwriters. Only a few years out the gate, the band has already racked up over 3 million streams online and garnered praise from both international and local tastemakers alike, including Rolling Stone Australia, Red Bull Music, Cool Accidents, and Triple J to name a few.